Friday 30 November 2012

nightly thoughts

It's 8:00pm.
Night time can a bit scary, even at this time's dark. and i am not a big fan of the dark.
No worries, as long as i have my faith i'll be okay.
just finished a super-duper-major-major big exam. now, i don't really know what to do with the amount of free time i have. what should i do? things i want to do:
-laser tag
-watch k-dramas
-learn a new song on my guitar every week (my skills have gotten really rusty lately)
-movie marathon
-lose weight (MUST DO)
-clear my schoolbooks
-look for a part-time job
-read 5 books a week
-learn self-calming techniques

All this in less than 3 months, impossible? NO, mission possible! :D

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